Practice Web
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- Previous Versions

PW Dental Version 5.3 (released 1/2008)
PPOs: Added "PPO Percentage" as insurance plan type. Now, PPO calculations are more intuitive and more inline with the expectations of offices. The full fee is presented and a writeoff can handle the difference. Two PPO writeoff reports were added.
Referrals: Added fields for notes and status. Interface moved to its own window.
Posterior Composites: Every procedure code has a place to specify the standard insurance substitute code. For instance, in the case of a posterior composite on a molar, you can enter the code for the similar amalgam, and the insurance estimate will be based on the substitute code. This would also work for FGC second molar substitutions.
Multiple default procedure notes: Each provider can set up their own default note for each procedure. Each provider can also set his or her own default time pattern for each procedure.
Deductible Before Percentage: Each insurance plan now has a checkbox for applying deductible before percentage. There is a global default as well.
Family Deductible: Insurance plans can now have family deductibles and maximums in addition to individual deductibles and maximums.
Commlog: Added extra fields and more options. Added a button in Chart module. Times now visible.Entries for entire family are now visible from each patient.
Replication: For users with daisy chain circular replication, added a tool to force synchronization of servers.
Display Fields: Only for Chart module Progress Notes for now. Users can select which columns show, what order they are in, how wide each column is, and the text that shows as the title for each column. The titles may be in any foreign language as well. If this feature works well and becomes popular, it will be extended to many other grids and lists in the program. For example, this same mechanism would let users choose which patient fields show at the lower left of the Chart module or which columns show in the Select Patient window.
PW Dental Version 5.2
Lab Cases: Lab cases were previously just a flag on an appointment. They have now been separated out into their own table. Lab cases are visible directly in the Chart module progress notes in addition to being attached to appointments. Each lab can be set up with its own turnaround times on each procedure type. Due dates are calculated automatically, including holidays.
Insurance Payment Entry: Insurance Payment entry is now faster because you can edit the numbers directly in the grid instead of having to double click on each row to open another window to edit the number. So offices with large volumes that enter a lot of EOBs every day will be able to do it much faster.
ADA 2006 Claimform: The background prints with the data.
Suni Sensor: Direct support for the sensor without having to use any other software. Supported series are: 1200, 1200C, 1600, 1800. #2 hi-res is the only supported sensor.
Images Module: 4BW series mounting- only works with the new Suni sensor capture.
Credit Card Processing: Integrated credit card processor with swipe terminal. Utilizes x-charge.com.
Appointment Week View: View week at a time instead of just a day at a time in the Appointments module.
Appointment Bubbles: When you hover over any appointment, you now get a popup bubble that includes lots of appointment and patient info, including patient picture.
Blockouts: Eliminated defaults. Added many new cut-copy-paste features, allowing very fast manipulation of blockouts.
Provider Schedules: Complete overhaul of user interface for entering schedules. Multiple providers and employees can now be easily set at once.Any schedule easily supported, including literally any type of alternating schedule.
Provider Balances by Family: When entering a patient Payment, the provider balances show and can be adjusted. This helps with proper Income tracking by provider.
Provider Income Transfers: Provider Income Transfers allow making transfer entries that move income from one provider to another. These transfer entries are also automated to show immediately after entering insurance payments. This allows tracking Income by provider.
Dental School Providers/Users: The provider list can now be viewed by class alphabetically. The user list can be viewed by class.
Users: Providers can now be correlated with Users. Users can be automatically generated in bulk after creating providers. Users can be filtered by provider versus employee. User management is easier for large numbers of users.
Reports: Reports moved to a window where they can be organized better. There will be room for more reports there, and maybe we can start moving towards more complex reporting options.
Trojan: Insurance Plans window, added search by Trojan ID and column for TrojanID. Double clicking on a plan in the list now shows TrojanID inside. Fee schedules are imported(excludes managed care fee schedules).
Employee schedules listed at lower right of Appointment module.
Appointments are visible in progress notes with many color options.
Bill printing no longer makes "Statement Sent" entries until confirmed by user.
Security added to block viewing of general accounting section.
Global lock on general accounting entries before a certain date, for year-end.
Billing address can now be different than office address for insurance claims.
Trojan Express Collect: Built-in support for sending a guarantor to collections.
Ability to hide a user from the list.
Credit Card and expiration date can be stored in database (some security risk).
Accounting: Search by amount or payee.
Show birthdate and age in Chart module.
Employee list always shows hidden employees.
Option to skip the display of appointment bubbles.
Single e-claims can be sent directly from claim edit window.
Enhanced the UB04 medical claim form.
Users can be hidden by hiding the attached employee.
Clearinghouse reports show in the main Send Claims window
Dental School Requirements: Now allows multiple requirements to be filled on a single appointment.
PW Dental Version 4.8
Images Module: Overhaul for better panning, zooming, and cropping. This allows cropping without altering the original image.Support added for contrast and brightness. Can assign tooth numbers to images.
Fee Schedules: Export function. Import function. Global update fees for all patients. Search and fix insurance plans with wrong fee schedules. Allow decreasing fees by a percentage. Compare three fee schedules while editing.
E-claims: Table added to permanently record and track each electronic claim transaction (needed for Canada, but useful for everyone)
Update enhancements: The claim form and procedure codes can now be updated independently of the program itself.
General Accounting: Automation of Retained Earnings, General Ledger Detail report, Accounting Balance Sheet report.
HCFA 1500 Claim form: updated HCFA 1500 medical claim form.
E-claims: Previously, you had to go through a clearinghouse to submit all e-claims. PW Dental can now create X12 files that can be used by any carrier that supports direct X12 claims. You can now submit directly to many carries such as DentiCal, Medicaid, Delta, BCBS, etc. There is some work involved in contacting the carrier, getting their implementation guide, setting up an agreement and testing claims.
Laboratory table added. Does not yet include lab case tracking, just the labs themselves.
Code Entry Enhancements: Make it very easy to enter new codes. Automatic defaults for autocodes and procedure buttons.
Appointment edit window rewritten to show more info and be more efficient.
Appointment blockouts can be outlines instead of solid.
Appointment length can be dragged to change.
Appointment search feature now includes searching by time also.
Right click to delete block-out
Confirmation list remembers last patient selected.
Can print recall list and confirmation list as displayed on the screen.
Select Patient window: Only one phone search field for all phone numbers (ignores non-numbers).
Select Patient window hides deceased and archived patients by default.
Onscreen keyboard added in the select patient window for touch-screen users.
Simplified 3D teeth solves situations where the teeth draw too slowly over a remote connection.
Option to only do monthly aging instead of daily.
Patient language field added for languages other than English.
It now asks before automatically applying part of a payment to other family members.
Multiple questionnaires allowed for each patient. Accessed from commlog.
Check numbers show in Account module.
Right click to delete rows in Progress Notes.
Contact preferences tracked separately for recall, regular, and confirm.Integrated into various screens. Allowed to edit patient info within recall detail window.
PW Dental Version 4.5
Sign Procedure Notes: Sign or initial procedure notes using a Topaz signature pad or by using a stylus on a touch screen. Following models of signature pads are supported: T-S460-HSB and TL460-HSB. Other similar models will probably work as long as they are HSB and 1x5.
Consent Forms: In the Images module, template images can be made available for import into any patient. Sign any image using a Topaz signature pad or by using a stylus on a Tablet PC or a touch-screen.
New business layer: The new layer will be build gradually over a few versions. Most users won't notice, but it will make the program more scalable and secure. The new organization will eventually improve the speed of the program and allow connecting from home.
Procedure Notes: All procedure note history and revisions are now recorded automatically. Internally, no note can ever be changed or deleted and no procedure can ever be deleted. But users won't even notice. Users are allowed to make any changes they want, including "editing" notes and "deleting" procedures, but all changes are permanently recorded. This makes it secure and easy to use. For this to work, when a user "deletes" a procedure, it actually just hides it. When a user "edits" a note, it keeps the old note, and just adds a new one. All history of changes can be viewed directly in the Chart module if needed.
Email Enhancements: Supports SMTP servers that require a user name and password for sending email. Allows saving email to send later. Email opens directly, without having to click through the commlog entry it's attached to. Enter in Setup Menu (Email).
Email Attachments: Attach multiple files of any kind to an email. Rename the files after attaching. Attached files are stored for a permanent record.
Messaging: Overhaul of the old messaging functionality. Send a text message to a user or group. Look at the message history. Chain messages together (examples: Jill-Family-Line1, or Dr-Urgent-Op2). Record your own sounds. Unique sound for each recipient so you don't have to look up unless the message is for you. Acknowledge messages. Customize the light grid with text and colors. Setup a different light grid for each operatory.
Rx Printing: Choose between more orientations and printing behavior.
Recall Improvements: View by date range instead of number of days. Sped up loading by using a single query. Recall cards can be grouped by family. Postcards can be shifted on the paper to accommodate printers. When printing recall cards, commlog entries are made automatically.
Database Maintenance Tool: Reworked interface to be single click. Generates a visual log of all checks and changes performed. Fixes things automatically. Many more types of checks and fixes added.
General Accounting: View by date range.
Display payment notes in accounts page.
Search any patient notes by word or phrase.
Change subscriber without deleting claim.
Ins Pending added to routing slip.
Show practice phone at top of TP printout.
Reduced TxPlan graphics to be little smaller.
Age of children now displays months.
Enhanced XDR Bridge.
Show primary provider in the Family module and in the Select Patient window.
Dr Ceph bridge: Enhanced to work for new patients and to pass more information.
Added MediaDent bridge.
Added PerioPal bridge.
Option to delete all blockouts for one day.
Show subscriber id on main screen of Family module.
Statements printed now display differently than bills sent.
Print function added to accounting screens.
PW Dental Version 4.3
Treatment Plan: Print 3D tooth chart. Option to show a column for standard fees. Subtotal option provides the totals for each column at the bottom of each group of priorities. Grand totals now show at the bottom of the grid. Sorting changed to show items with priorities first. Insurance columns don't show if patient doesn't have insurance. Layman's terms added to procedure codes. Option to use insurance maximums and deductibles when displaying patient portions. Grid now prints the same as on the screen, including cell wrap and totals.
Custom patient fields: The ability to add extra fields to patients for special situations. For instance you could add fields for HIPAA signed, second email, patient's web site, pager number, driver's license, hospital ward, or anything else. Add new custom fields under Setup menu.
Medical History Questionnaire: Customized list of questions and answers added to patient info terminal. Only used for new patients. It can be accessed in the chart module (double-click on medical alerts, lower left) or via patient info terminal. Add or modify the list of questionnaire under Setup menu.
Diseases: A checklist for each patient. Used for medical conditions as well as allergies. Add or modify the list of diseases under Setup menu.
Patient Info Terminal: A way for a new patient to enter his or her own information from the waiting room. The receptionist controls the terminal from another computer. It can be used to let patient update own information if it has changed. New patients can check off items in list of diseases. Access it from Tools Menu and select Terminal Manager.
Database Integrity Check Utility: A new standalone tool was added so that the tables can be checked without opening up the program.
Rx Alerts: Crosslink diseases to Rx definitions so that an alert is triggered for allergies, etc when writing an Rx.
Added an ability to choose color for background of tooth chart.
Added a bridge to Owandy digital x-ray system.
PW Dental Version 4.2
3D graphical tooth chart: 3D chart includes overhaul of missing teeth and primary teeth. Three parameters for shifting and three parameters for rotation of each tooth are allowed. User will be able to reposition any tooth to match the patient's true condition. Includes impactions, tipping, and drifting. If an RCT is present, the roots will be transparent. If a primary tooth is present, the permanent tooth will show underneath it, just like it is in real life. Reposition the unerupted permanent tooth. All dimensions are in precise millimeters. This will also facilitate perio probing and recession features.
Chart module: Right click on multiple selected procedures at once to set complete.
Appointment Rules: Enforce preventing certain types of double booking.
Routing Slips: For offices without computers in the operatories it prints patient info, insurance info, today's appointment, and treatment plan all on one sheet. It can be printed for a patient appointment or as a batch for all appointments on one day.
Find procedure window: Completely overhauled. Now, it's very easy to find any procedure.
Procedure Buttons: Procedure buttons in Chart module can now be organized by category. You can add images to any procedure button.
Insurance Coverage Categories: Previously, no overlapping of procedure code ranges was allowed. This forced each procedure code into exactly one category, like preventive. The improvement is to allow overlapping and subcategories. For instance, you can have crowns be a subcategory of major, and percentages can be assigned to either or both. In this example, the crown percentage takes priority over the major percentage.
Plan Benefits: Changed format of benefits. Examples of benefits include maximums, deductibles, percentages, fluoride age limit, x-ray frequency, exclusions, limitations, etc. Instead of being columns in the insurance plan table, each benefit is now a row in a new table. There is no limit to the number of rows. This new organization is much more flexible and powerful. It's also the way electronic benefit information will be coming from carriers as we move to electronic benefit requests.
Insurance Plan Benefits: They were powerful, but also too complicated for beginners. The improvement is a completely new interface for entering benefits. The way they are stored in the database has not changed.
Insurance Plan Templates: More optimizations for offices that have a lot of patients sharing insurance plans. When a change is made to a plan, you now have the option of applying the change to all identical plans. Copies all benefits from original plan, including percentages, maximums, etc.
Audit Trail: Added search/filter by patient, type, and user and ability to print.
Time Cards: Customizable pay periods added so that you don't have to enter the date range each time. Tracks 40 hour workweek, computes overtime, allows adjustments, and prints.
General Accounting: Includes a chart of accounts and a check register. Intended to replace QuickBooks for small offices.
The Plans for Family list is moved from bottom of the Patient information screen and is instead accessed via the toolbar (top right) when needed.
Select patient window has a new grid so you can double click anywhere on a row.
Changed the way fee schedules are loaded to increase speed.
Fee schedules in Definitions window now have three different types: Standard, Co-pay, and Allowed.
Added button in security window to add all permissions at once
Insurance check displayed in alphabetical order for very large offices.
Statements now have an option to leave off the return address, and if patient is assigned to a clinic, then the return address now reflects that.
Chart number or patient number shows in title bar optionally.
UChart module:U Progress notes grid overhauled. Now shows Commlog, and row selection is more advanced.
Images module now allows import of multiple images at the same time
Copy-paste in the Images module. Can be used to duplicate an image or to copy to another family member.
Bridge to PromptAlert for appointment reminders via e-mail, voice or SMS
Set mixed dentition with one click.
New grid for patient info in Family module.
Easy Option to hide insurance features in Family module.
Medical note added to confirmation list.
Birthday postcards.
Added Canadian lab fee field to procedures.
Undo billing process. In case something goes wrong during batch billing, you can remove the 'Statement Sent' entries quickly.
TP procedures should paint on top of existing procedures in tooth chart
Jump from Claim Send window directly to the Account of that patient.
Age can show on appointment
Stick appointment on pinboard directly from the Chart module.
Right click-copy appointment to pinboard.
Trojan: Added an update feature so that the Trojan interface can get officially certified
Enhanced Trophy bridge-Lets you set a specific folder for each patient.
Added new Dental Eye bridge
Added new Florida Probe bridge
Added New DrCeph bridge