Practice Web
- Introduction
- 3D Charting
- Future Version
- Paperless office
- Full Trial Version
- Data Conversions
- National Provider ID Info
- Previous Versions
Version 5.4
3D Perio Chart: Entry would still be done on the current perio chart, but you could switch to a graphical display for patient education purposes.
Popup Notes: For individual patients. Triggered by certain user actions. User would have to click to close the note.
Batch Claim Payment: One user-friendly window for entering insurance checks instead of jumping between accounts. There are disadvantages to this system, however, because then each account does not get reviewed properly. Automation will have to be added to prevent users from neglecting accounts.
Transfers: Ability to group multiple adjustments into a single transfer object.
Print Handouts: Triggered by completing procedure codes.
Forms: A form would be on the screen, printed, or both. It would have boxes for patients or staff to enter information. The office could customize existing forms and create additional forms. Useful for medical history forms, patient info forms, consent forms, referral forms, etc. Once the information was entered into a form, it would become part of the patient record. Possible ways of implementing this are PDF/XML.
Tooth Chart Annotations : Scribble on top of the 3D tooth chart. Possibly add typed text notes as well.
International tooth numbers show on procedure report.
Commlog note that applies to entire family. Or possibly just allow viewing commlog notes for all family members.
Sticky commlog notes that stay at the top of the commlog list. This will allow elimination of the Family Financial Notes at the right of the Account module,
Bridge to smilereminder.com
More options for auto chart numbering.
Select patient without having to click on the select pt button; just type a few letters..
Bridge to www.gopaperlessnow.com when they allow it.
Set procedures for planned appointment directly from Progress Notes rather than from within the planned appointment.
More automation of allowed fees.
Dropdown list of bank-branch in payment window.
Update fees for procedures that are already completed rather than just for procedures in the TP module.
Note field for perio exams.
Secondary address for office so that insurance payments can go to a PO box.
Ins Plan checkbox for use UCR fees on claims, option to set default to always be checked, or similar.
Version 5.5
Shortcut Keys: Allow using keystrokes to access modules as well as the select patient button.
Posterior Composites: Every procedure code will have a place to specify the standard insurance substitute code. For instance, in the case of a posterior composite, you can enter the code for the similar amalgam, and the insurance estimate will be based on the substitute code.
Referrals: Generate referral slips.
Rich Text in Progress Notes: Would include colors, fonts, alignment, and web links.
Images: Support for transparency scanning.
HL-7 Support: This is the protocol used by medical software. This will allow communication with other medical software.
Rx add narcotics flag field. This will help route the printout to an alternate printer.
Add family deductible field to Ins Plan (and possibly family maximum).
Add last appointment date field to patient table in database.
Insurance plans show in appointment edit window.
Accounts receivable by provider report
Add date scheduled to recall table
Account module and statements show column totals at bottom.
Allow selecting providers on daily payment report.
Rewrite appointment module drawing logic to be faster and use less memory.
Password protect the P&I report to prevent dentists from seeing each other's income on a shared database.
Version 5.6
Graphical Chart: Include a date range slider below the graphical tooth chart to quickly see history of treatment.
Warn user if strange characters in last name.
Make patient responsible for claims not received after a certain number of days.
Add merge button in Ins Plans window.
Add discount field to procedure. Can display discount in treatment plan. Does not affect balance.
An image can be placed on a letter.
Note for credit card section on statements for what types of credit cards accepted.
Automatically toggle to primary teeth for new children
Allow changing the title of a statement to anything the user wants.
Ctrl-F shortcut to Find Patient
Version 5.7
Task Lists: Better sorting options including alphabetical, by entry time, or user defined. Drag and drop capabilities. Better graphics.
Pocket PC version: The Mobile version will be simple at first, probably just an appointment viewer.
Appointment Fee: Financial information in the appointment edit window enhanced to show insurance portion, expected patient portion, and total patient portion due, taking into account deductibles, etc.
Electronic Attachments: Send x-rays, images, or primary EOB's via the internet instead of by mail when the insurance company requests them. Will use NEA corp or Emdeon, and be fully integrated.
Perio Chart: Voice activation (already possible using third party software). 3D tooth graphics. Line drawing in color of measurements.
Auto Dialer: Let your computer do the dialing when making confirmation phone calls.
If insurance fee is zero for a procedure, the provider fee will be used instead.
Add color to Billing Types
Credit card terminal enhanced to support debit cards and check verification.
Claim procedures ordered by procedure code on claim.
Allow percentages set up ahead of time for adjustment types.
Important notes flicker and pulse so that they will be easier to see.
Version 5.8
Multiple Recall Types: Other user-defined recall types to be used for purposes such as endo follow up, perio, or any other purpose.
Procedure Entry: Add an auto complete feature if typing in procedure code.
Appointment Procedures: Enhance the quick add treatment feature in the appointment edit window to include any procedure including procedures requiring a tooth number.
Web Version: A new web version of Open Dental designed to run on any browser. But no security features yet, so only useful within a single dental office. The first screen added will be appointments so that you can view the daily schedule in a browser. It will be view-only, with no way to move or edit appointments.
Appointments module: Horizontal scrolling. Ability to "grab and drag" the entire appointment screen instead of using scrollbars.
Bridge to Care Credit
Export Patient: Export to XML or some other format. Might include patient info, insurance info, chart notes.
Have images also show as items in Progress Notes in Chart module.
Add color to the statement printout.
Claims: track resent dates.
Ability to add more types of procedures directly from appointment rather than going through Chart.
Colors, fonts, and hyperlinks in various textboxes.
Tablet PC support for ink and voice.
Improved image management including merge to letters.